
Friday, July 23, 2010

Web Internet Marketing - Five SEO Tips That Will Take Your Business From 0 to 60 Now

Web Internet Marketing - Where's the Traffic?
If you are new to web internet marketing but have begin to build a site or blog around your home based business, you may already be disappointed in the lack of traffic coming through your site. Don't despair. Keep reading to learn some powerful search engine optimization methods.

I'm sure you have already heard some basics on search engine optimization and have probably already been implementing some of the advice you've heard about it. However there are some more in-depth information and advice that you'll need to learn about if your site is still not getting the traffic you need.

Five Tips
1. Keyword Research - At the very start of search engine optimization is researching and sorting new keywords. This task can be tedious and time consuming but it is of vital importance to the optimization of your site. Use Google's keyword tool or another free program to create a list of quality, relevant keywords for your site or blog.
2. Quality Content - Keep in mind that you are creating content for your site or blog that is designed to: 1.) Appeal and keep the interest of human readers, and 2.) show the search engines that your site is informative and related to the keywords you've chosen.
3. Page Optimization - The crawlers sent out by search engines to gather information about your site only read the HTML content of your web pages. Adding keywords to the title, description and in the keyword or tags area. Put keywords in the H1 to H6 areas and enter some alt tags on any images.
4. Article Marketing - Submit keyword rich articles and press releases that each contain anchor text linking back to your website to article directories and press release sites. This not only expands your web presence but it can improve your search engine ranking and can ensure that your site will be visited by a search engine web crawler in just a day or two.
5. Bookmarking - Social bookmarking has become a very important part of internet marketing and should not be overlooked. Create accounts on all the major bookmarking sites and bookmark your own articles or press releases. These sites are cached by search engines daily which will also help your site get cached.

A Little Much?
If this all sounds like a lot of work, it is. As I mentioned, it's not difficult work but does take time, patience, and dedication. In the world of web internet marketing, SEO can simply not be ignored. Follow these steps and dedicate as much time as you can to doing so. You'll be glad you did.

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